How I started working for Spirit

People often ask me whether I was born a Medium and the answer is Yes. As a child I had the gift of seeing and hearing things others couldn’t – this frightened me so I subconsciously blocked it out. However throughout my life I always felt I had a “friend” – a native American Indian lady and a wolf – who always seemed to guide me through difficult times. I grew up and followed various careers but nothing seemed to be “me” and I was continually looking for fulfilment in my work. I married my wife Bernice when I was 24 and had my first child, my beautiful daughter Samantha a year later. Four years later God blessed us with our precious son Jason. I was very content with my life and established a successful landscape gardening company, which we ran for many years. Throughout this period I took up my passion for martial arts and body building and won many awards. Unfortunately this all came to an end when I had a series of unexplained leg injuries which never fully healed. This in turn was the demise of my successful company. Life, suddenly, became very difficult. My wife had always had an interest in going to see medium demonstrations but had never had any messages. One evening I was dragged along to see a well known Medium who delivered a strange message to me. He told me I would be doing the same work as him within a few years. I laughed and told my wife that it was a load of rubbish. Within a week I was to receive the shock of my life.
I woke up on Sunday morning to find I was being spoken to by a man from the Spirit World who introduced himself as Dr. Hoffman. Strangely enough I was not unduly surprised by this although my family were. My wife was concerned that I may be having a nervous breakdown until I told her many facts about her mother who had passed over when she was 10 years old. That night I, with my family to support me, visited a local Spiritualist Church. I told my family about people I could see (spiritually) in the church and was amazed when the platform medium confirmed this. After this I spent a few years within the Spiritualist Church developing and understanding my gift.
Throughout these years I tried to keep my gift as a “hobby”, but found every business venture I attempted seemed to be destined to fail, pushing me in the same direction all the time. I was asked to give private readings and started to attend Mind, Body and Soul events where I made a lot of friends who encouraged me to establish myself as a professional medium. I hesitated at first doubting my abilities but, through the constant support of family, friends and, most importantly of all, my Spirit Guides I finally took that leap of faith and have never looked back. I have now found that fulfillment that I searched for .