Railway Hotel


Starts in 1 Month, 5 Days

March 19, 2025 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Railway Hotel

Pillory Street, Nantwich, Cheshire CW5 5SS


Organized By

Patrick Hutchinson

£15 per person 
Demonstration of Mediumship to give proof and evidence that the Spirit World exists around you.
Patrick is very highly respected, critically acclaimed and proven in this field and has won National Awards as a Spiritual Medium.
He was also brought to the world’s attention by unearthing a paedophile at one of his shows resulting in this man being sent to jail for five years for his offences against children. Don’t miss your chance to see this amazing man and witness for yourself his unique gift. Patrick has been hailed as Britain’s most evidential Medium due to the proof he will bring you and things he will know.
The evening will be full of laughter and tears and one not to be missed. The show is interactive with the audience when you will have a chance to speak to your loved ones through glass and table movement. He will also demonstrate energy movement (whereby a loved one can move you to show they are with you) and spiritual hypnosis.

£15 per person from the pub, online or by reserving on 0115 8410714

Check him out on his Facebook Pages



n in the Rushes

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